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tv   News4 Midday  NBC  February 4, 2015 11:00am-12:01pm EST

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new information on the plane crash caught in camera by a passing car. the important discovery found in the wreckage just a short time ago. place new push in our area to get children vaccinated after a case of measles confirms here in the district. good morning. this is "news4 midday"." i'm barbara harrison. just into the newsroom colts linebacker da quell jackson in d.c. superior court after allegedly punch as pizza delivery driver last night. jackson, 52 in this video, returning a fumble gets the redskins this fall. jackson arrested last night. police say in the 1900 block of
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12th street northwest around 8:00 p.m. when a pizza delivery driver got into a verbal argument with jackson. jackson then allegedly punched the driver twice in the face. once in the head. the victim told police jackson was angry because he had parked in jackson's parking space. jackson will be in court this afternoon. from the live desk news 4. district health leaders urging you to vaccinate yourself and your kids against the measles. one confirmed case of the contagious virus here in d.c. live in northeast we have important information you need to know. >> reporter: barbara, health officials stress that being vaccinated that is your best defense against the mees msaslemeasles. they say that following a confirmed case here of measles here in the district of columbia first since 2012. this shows the tell tale rash associated with the measles. this is not of the d.c. patient.
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we simply want topped show what you that rash looks like. that's how many exposed realize she have the measles. the case in d.c., we're told is a result of international travel. stepnot linked to the outbreak in california or other cases seen in other states. health officials won't identify the patient. they don't -- we don't know if it's an adult, child, male or female however health officials will say it's an isolated case. they have contacted the people who came into immediate contact with this person and that given in person's movements, they don't believe there is a larger threat. they believe that this is an isolated case. however, measles is a very contagious disease. if you think you have symptoms rash fever, or think you've been exposed, health officials say don't just show up at your doctor's office. call first and explain your situation. >> if people think they have symptoms we want to you contact your health care provider and speak with them about it because it's highly contagious
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we want you to be proactive, call ahead as opposed to being in waiting rooms or emergency rooms and spreading it to other individuals. calling in getting consultation over the phone can help prevent the spread of infection to other people. >> reporter: symptoms usually happen anywhere from 7 to 18 days after exposure but you can be contagious four days before that rash appears and also can be contagious four days after it goes away. simple toms include fever and cough. you get that red splotchy rash. it starts on your face and moves to the rest of your body. as far as how measles is transmitted, there's direct contact with saliva or with nasal fluids that can also be transmitted through the air by coughing or sneezing. so that's particularly why it can be so contagious. measles has been reported in 14 states and the district of columbia. health officials urging people to check their vaccination recordses.
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if you have not been vaccinated go to your doctor and get it done. megan mcgrath news 4. >> thank you. a judge in michigan will decide within days whether to order four small children to be immunized for measles against their parents' wishes. child protective services are speaking to terminate their parental rights. the couple lives outside of detroit. social workers say the parents have a long history of drug and alcohol abuse and under investigation for domestic violence and child neglect. the four children are under 10 years old. meanwhile, investigators are trying to figure what caused this house fire in anne arundel county. the fire broke out at a home on monterey avenue in odenton. right now temperatures are on the rise out there. we're already seeing 40s in our -- south of us thanks to those sunny skies you see there. storm team 4 meteorologist chuck bell joins us with his firstfirst
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"midday" forecast. >> modifying the forecast upping the forecast high temperature into the 50s today. there's a little good news for you. outside, nothing but sunshine out there for now. and enjoy what will be a very brief warm-up around here. old man swirnt justwinter is just on the other side of that bluge line and that passes through late tonight, early tomorrow morning. temperatures tomorrow afternoon will be 20 to 25 degrees colder than this afternoon. stow will be a big turnaround. right now though in the middle of a warm-up. sunshine temperatures upper 30s around the metro, but already 46 now in fredericksburg. so a nice day. bus stop forecast for later today, full sunshine mostly sunny. about 49 degrees and at 3:00 to 4:00 and 48 degrees between 4:00 and 5:00. not a bad afternoon to be outside at all. going out to dibber erdinner and a movie, upper 30s to near 40 by 11:00 tonight. cold blast returns tomorrow and
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several chances, anyway for a little bit of the white stuff. tell you when coming up. >> chuck, thanks. now to a drefleveloping story. federal investigators arrived in new york to begin piecing together a fiery north railroad crash that killed six people. the train slammed into a mercedes suv during rush hour. the car's driver and five passengers on the train died. 15 people are in the hospital now. just a few hours ago the ntsb said it wants to get to the crash site as quickly as possible. >> our goal is to find out nome what happened but, really find out why it happened so that we can issue safety recommendations to try and keep this from happening again. >> the ntsb says crews will spend up to a week at the crash site gathering clues. the investigation as to why the crash happened in the first place could take up to a year. route 1 is back open after a woman was hit and killed by a car this morning in howard county. this happened right near the intersection of bonnyview lane.
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chopper 4 was over the scene just after 6:00 this morning. police are not releasing the woman's name until family can be notified. right now police say two vehicles hit the woman. the first vehicle a toyota suv, stopped and called for help pap second vehicle took off. police are still looking noor driver. for that driver. a shooting during morning rush hour near a busy shopping center in southeast d.c. left a teenager dead. this happened near the irntd section of minnesota avenue and east capital street. our crews were there as police blocked off the scene during the investigation yesterday afternoon. we're waiting for police to release the name of the victim. police are still trying to determine a motive for that shootsing. and right now investigate erg trying to figure what went wrong after a plane clip as bridge and crashes into a river. what we know about the age of the plane and the recovery of the black boxes. also right now- a chinese dronemaker says the company is taking steps to prevent what happened at the white house last week from happening agai
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technology has improved our lives, in small ways. in big ways. but what about this? couldn't this be better too? at redfin we asked ourselves the same question. which led us to create new ways to take you inside a home or instantly schedule a tour. but we paired that with our own agents who aren't paid on commission but on your happiness. and that's what makes it all work the world has changed and now real estate has too.
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a developing story. using a crane to hoist a wrecked transasia airways plane from a river no taiwan. the plane crashed earlier today with 58 people onboard. at least 23 are dead. another 20 are still missing. nbc's ian williams has the latest from taiwan. >> reporter: this dramatic
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dashcam video appears to show the last moments of the transasia flight. the aircraft clipping an elevated roadway before crashing into the shallow keylong river below. the fuselage barely up in the water. 58 passengers and crew trapped below. debris scattered nearby. one of the first pulled from the crippled plane a small child. one of two believed to be onboard. the french-built atr-72 turboprop was only nine months old. 31 mainland chinese were among the passengers. it had just taken off from the smaller of taipei's airport on short flight. the control tower lost contact, it had been relatively clear weather at the time of takeoff. local television showed the damage to the overpass. it appeared to barely miss nearby apartment buildings, those not clear whether the
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pilot deliberately steered the stricken plane into the river in an attempt to avoid greater disaster. taiwan is the third largest carrier and its second crash. another in july killing 48 people. it's evening in taipei and the search for have yoursurvivors continues under floodlights. the river is fairly shall pe owe. they've quickly found the black boxes which should be able to help them determine e relatively quickly what did go wrong. after a dreen crash landone crash landed at the white house, company started to restrict them in our area. check before you buy one. the company that made the drone you see here says it's work og an software update to classify the district as a no-fly zone. the company is based out of china. it says its drones already have software that holds them back around hundreds of airports all around the world. and a developing story out
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of jordan this morning. two prisoners isis wanted freed are executed in retaliation for the jordanian pilot burned alive by the terror group. plus a virginia senator taking action to stop a growing problem. sexual assaults on college campuses. high schools could be key in stopping this problem. storm team 4 meteorologist chuck bell. high thin cirrus clouds drifting in. harbingers of change arriving in the next 24 hours.
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i'm melissa ma lay at live desk. just in to the news room. the national transportation safety board holding an investigative larrying to discuss the underground emergency at the la la font station. headquarters in washington, no word who will attend that hearing but we know the topics include conditions leading to the arcing emergency response efforts and efforts to improve safety. brash? >> thank you. today, in less than an hour maryland governor larry hogan gives his first state of the state address speaking from flonlt of a joint sefrgts general 'ably atten in expected to talk about his priorities including tax cuts.
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flus 4 chris gordon is at the state house tweeting updates throughout the speech and streaming the address live on nbc washington app. you could see more roadwork in maryland in the future. maryland governor larry hogan is proposing $25 million for local road repairs. the "baltimore sun" comes from money not assigned. hogan campaign and restoring funds for aid but his budget proposal did not include those funds. and right now leaders in maryland are meeting to talk about the purple line. there at the university of maryland which would be one of 21 stations on the line. at the meeting they're talking about the line's long-term impact on our region and how to pay for it all. leaders say they're hoping for $900 million from the federal government. in his budget president obama set aside $100 million for that line. a developing story now. jordan executed two prisoners connected with al qaeda. in retaliation for isis killing one of jordan's pilots.
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isis released a video yesterday reportedly showing a jordanian fighter pilot being burned alive in a cage. jordan had been willing to exchange a suicide bomber for that pilot but dee manneded proof he was still alive. officials now believe the pilot was actually killed earlier last month. the escalated tension in the middle east comes just as the u.s. is poised to get a new secretary of defense. nbc news. tracie potts has more from capitol hill. >> reporter: isis is likely to be topic number one at ashton carter's confirmation hearing today. >> isil has nothing to offer expect brutality and death. >> reporter: a pentagon spokesman says the shift at the top won't shift their focus going an isis. >> nobody's letting off the gas. we'll continue to put pressure on isil. >> reporter: just this morning, jordan executed two of three prisoners isis wanted freed in retaliation for the jordanian pilot isis burned alive on
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video. >> give us your reaction please to the -- >> reporter: after making the rounds on capitol hill and the white house, jordan's king abdullah is cutting his u.s. visit short. president obama called the killing barbaric. >> whatever ideology they're operating off of, it's bankrupt. >> reporter: the concern, a female aid worker an american still held hostage. experts think there's a good chance she may not be executed. >> it's not clear executing a woman on camera would be at all popular or palatable among isis supporters. >> reporter: back on capitol hill democrats say the latest execution is exactly why the government needs money to fight isis. >> the claim the intent to reach america soon. we cannot afford to defund the department of homeland security. >> reporter: homeland security funds are set to run out at the end of this month. that debate's been hung up over immigration which is part of
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homeland security's budget. tracie potts, nbc news, washington. tracie mentioned ashton carter's confirmation hearing happening right now. seeing live pictures. lawmakers just returned from a short break. the senate is grilling carter on his kd candidacy as the next secretary of defense. here what he says about isis. >> rp to icesle needs to be a lasting defeat. i say lasting because it's important when they get defeated they stay defeated. >> carter was formerly the deputy defense secretary and taught at harvard last year. and joined by political editor with all the isis-reed news we're getting now this pick for secretary of defense seems a little more important than might have been a few weeks ago, but do you they today's hearing is really more about the president's foreign policy or about how he feels? >> i think it's a little about
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both and obviously ashton carter has been receiving questions where he would be on certain policies and largely, barbara, important to note there haven't been any major fireworks. always the assumption ashton carter would get confirmed. you are right. a lot of republican members of congress and the senate including the new senate arms services committee chairman john mccain is using this as platform to be able to really put the administration's feet to the fire maybe more so than ashton carter's. >> is ashton carter's confirmation all but certain, do you think? >> i think. he he was the number two person in the defense department under gates and in the first part of president obama's term his first term in office, and there isn't any kind of recognition among republicans they want to sink this confirmation. particularly given all the challenges you mentioned earlier. >> yesterday you told us about the vote to repeal the affordable care act. want to tell us what happened? surprise. right? >> not surprisingly republicans
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ended up having a 50th or 60th-some vote to repeal the affordable care act depending when you use it passed. not a surprise. republicans control the house of representatives but interesting for the first time we phleb a long time all democrats stood together. voted in opposition. a big reason a lot of moderate democrats from the south, they ended up losing their offices in the 2014 midterm elections. three republicans voted against the repeal measure. and these are moderate republicans. and they kind of see with 2016 on the horizon, they don't want to take that tough of a stance in their kind of centrist democratic areas. >> were they from states where maybe it's working? affordable care is working? >> that and a lot of democrats. one of the republicans is from maine. another new york. another from illinois. all three of those states barbara, are once in which the democratic nominee is probably decisively going to win in the 2016 presidential contest.
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>> thank you, mark so much. see you tomorrow. for more from mark and the rest of the nbc news political team check out "first read" on nbc and the cold temperatures and a big jackpot that could cause a run on powerball tickets
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happy birthday facebook. the social networking site is now 11 years olds. 1.4 billion people log in to that site once a month. celebrating with friendship stories and statistics from around the world. they've discovered the total distance between every friend on facebook is 73 trillion kilometers and that is about 45.4 trillion miles. well new this morning a new national survey says we're experiencing less stress in our lives according to the american psychological association. the report found parents with children under 18 women, the poor and millennials are the most stressed out. money is the number one stress factor. you may want to pick up a powerball ticket if money's a problem. the jackpot reaches $17 million by tonight's drawing. the first time in a year the jackpot climbed over $300 million. tonight prize is the 11th largest powerball jackpot ever. the largest jackpot of all-times
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belongs to mega millions that reached $648 million in december of 2013. most victims are sexual assault are betweens ages of 16 and 24 and virginia senator tim cane says people of the same age are the key to stopping this growing problem. we're going to tell you about his new proposal plus a spending report. new information on how much was spent on inaugural celebrations for the district's new mayor. plus storm team 4 meteorologist chuck bell is back with an update on our cha you want i fix this mess? a mess? i don't think -- what's that? snapshot from progressive. plug it in and you can save on car insurance based on your good driving. you sell to me? no, it's free. you want to try?
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i try this if you try... not this. okay. da!
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right now the super bowl xlix champs are finally getting their victory parade. the first championship win for the new england patriots since winning back-to-back super bowls ten years ago. the parade was delayed earlier this week because of monday's winter storm. and here's chuck. did you hear this story? that tom brady gave the car, the truck, he gave away -- a good thing. >> nice. >> to malcolm butler. the guy who caught the interception. >> super bowl. the game "clue." in clue fashion, who killed the seahawks? butler did it in the end zone way pick! >> a good thing. that's a good one i. was out at glen forest elementary school yesterday and didn't subject them to a bad pun like that but did subject them to a lot of
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weather knowledge, which they soaked up like a sponge. a bunch of great kids throughout in falls church yesterday. thanks for having me out. had a great time. talked to the entire second grade. there were like 300 kids in the cafeteria, which meant i answered approximately 300 questions. outside on a beautiful wednesday afternoon. now late morning, almost afternoon, anyway. clear skies out there. temperatures are milder for sure. we're some 10 to 15 degrees warmer now than at the same time yesterday. bonus territory for sure. 39 at reagan national. here's the key. a south wind right now averaging 10 miles per hour. what should you expect the next 24 hours? no more warm air, everybody. you get a one-day reprieve from the chill. that's today. clouds back and a chance for light snow first thing tomorrow morning. maybe not as much as coating in the metro. turning windy and cold then again, tomorrow afternoon on into the day friday. for now mid-30s in northern maryland. 43 martinsburg. 50 already in la rey. 46 in warrenton.
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41 clinton. and temperatures up up up we go. i in washington today, 51 degrees, about 4:00 this afternoon. then really not all that chilly for the early evening hours. current windchills not much of a breeze out there, not too bad. highs today, 51 in town. low to maybe a few spots into the mid-50s down south. what to wear today? maybe a light jacket a hat, depends what you think. definitely these your sunglasses today as well. this is it. cold front coming our way through the great lakes today. that arrives here tomorrow. and as a result hour-by-hour tomorrow a chance of some light snow in the morning hours. then turning windy, clearing out in the afternoon and notice how much colder. noontime mid-30s. late afternoon, upper 20s tomorrow. so a big change coming our way. make sure you have your storm team 4 weather app ready go. future weather for the rest of the day, nothing to worry about. temperatures tonight, bottom out in the upper 20s and low 30s. those will be just about our highs for the day tomorrow.
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turning windy and much much colder during the daylight hours tore and that cold air settles on in as we head into friday and the weekend. so here's your seven-day forecast then. today 51. tomorrow only 34 degrees during the afternoon. about lunchtime tomorrow. 50% chance of what will be extremely light snow. mainly across northern maryland. then cold on friday. a little bit of improvement saturday and another chance of rain turning over to some snow mixes by sunday monday tuesday of next week. barbara? >> thank you. take a look at these metro stops. your commute may take longer on metro if you use any of these. the cold temperature, forcing metro to restrict speeds in some places to prevent cracked rails. the speed could be as low as 30 miles per hour in some places. metro is using a special vehicle to examine rails and determine where restrictions are needed. many commuters are telling us they haven't really noticed the slowdown just happy safety is a priority.
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>> and if they'd have to slow down for cracked rails, we'll see what happened at metro north last night. rails are dangerous when not properly maintained. so be a little slow on the road but get here safely. >> metro tells us that the stations with speed restrictions will change daily. if you open the nbc washington app this morning, one of our top stories. check out those, the affected stations that are going to be have the changing speeds. so check that out on our washington app, nbc washington app. learning more about how the university of maryland plans to handle budget cuts this year. according to the diamondback, a tuition increase will give the school about $3 million this year. also some university employee will have to work as many as three day as week unpaid. the school is dealing with a more than $15 million budget cut
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set in place by the outgoing governor last month. the d.c. mayor releasing her financial report earlier this week showing just over $1 million spent on inaugural fastiveties. the predecessor, just over $s$7 ln,000. requiring a report be filed it's a part of the ethics board. tim cain is take the lead in a growing problem. sexual assaults on college campuses. aaron gilchrist spoke with the senator this morning how a student's idea got him to take action. >> virginia senator tim cain wants high school students to be educated about sexual assaults. the senator joins us this morning with more on bill introduced yesterday in hopes of preventing sexual assault, domestic violence and dating violence. appreciate you coming in today. >> absolutely. good to be with you. >> you decided to introduce the
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teach safe relations act after talking to a group at the university of virginia about sexual violence. what was the conversation you had that helped you introduce this? >> interesting, aaron. the stories that wer that are cropping up everywhere about kamps sexual assault made me look into the statistics and here's the challenge. the sexual assaults are most prevalent in the 16 to 24-year-old age range. whether on college campus or anywhere else that's the age range you're probably most at-risk. i went to the university of virginia and met with a student organization trying to deal with the sexual assault question and we met for about two or three hours and i just listened to their kearns. one of the things that one of the young ladies said was, we come to college. we've had a sex ed or health class in high school but it's a class really more reproductive biology. not safe relationshiping and appropriate behaviors. if we got a little more instruction what to do if you feel pressured or how to seek help right strat jishgs wrong
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strategies we'd be better able to deal with the challenges we face when we move away from home for the first time pap great idea. we have a wonderful opportunity because we are working on the reauthorization of what's called the elementary and secondary education act right now. hadn't been reauthorized for 15 years, already has provisions in it about sex ed classes. i thought, go in and add into it a good health or sex ed class should include safe relationship strategy helping youngsters whether they go to college, into the work force, because it's that age range where the dangers are most akuncht what specifically is this bill going to call for in our public schools? >> basically it's two things. the federal government does not require that schools offer sex ed or health curriculum. that's up to them. but if they do offer the curriculum the federal statute currently says you have to teach certain kinds of teal that is age-appropriate. and i'm adding to that and one of the things you have to teach is safe relationship strategies. virginia actually already has a
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law like this but many states don't. so this would create a uniform federal standard if you teach sex ed and health in high school you should teach safe relationship strategies. first. the second thing, allowing grants for pilot projects if states really want to do innovative curriculum to help kids learn about you know appropriate relationship strategies. there will be grants for states that are innovators and hopefully other states can learn from. >> i have to ask, because we know what the atmosphere is on the hill now. do you have hope that this is going to get the sort of bipartisan support it needs to actually become reality? >> i do. i feel very confident that senator alexander, lamar alexander of tennessee is leading the effort of this no child left behind statute. there is going to be a bill. seems to me this is a common sense thing we could add that will help keep young people safer, and the thing i like
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about it is i put in the bill because i just was listening one day and a student had a great idea and i thought, good i'm going to take that idea and see what we can do with it. >> appreciate your time and thanks for talking to us about the bill. >> absolutely aaron. a major deal announced this morning between staples and office depot. the company taking control. plus a travel website from a kid's point of view. the local 11-year-old sharing
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news today, a major office retail merger is now official. staples will buy office depot in a cash and stock deal. the merger is valued at nearly $6 billion. office depot shareholders will receive a cash payout and a share of staples. the deal is expected to close by the end of the year. the university of the district of columbia could be renamed in honor of the late mayor onbary. council member introducing a bill naming it the marion s. barry jr. university of the district of columbia. warn says it could be referred to at mbudc saying barry was the university's biggest champion. your kids may not be able to attend kindergarten for a full day in prince william county schools next year. today the school board considers making $11 million in possible cuts to next year's budget. the chairman of the school board says the system will need to make cuts if the county approves a proposal to hold real estate tax bills at the rate of
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inflation. the meeting will happen tonight at 7:00 at the kelly leadership center in manassas. an 11-year-old girl from centerville is going places and she's telling everyone about it. ijana tinsley the writer behind the ya-ya website that includes reviews of places she's traveled and local restaurants she's visited, using a five-star rating. includes reviews posted by other kids too, and works hard to keep the site fresh. >> a blogger should always keep posts at least once every single week. i make the site for kids that want to go to places and that have been to places. >> the website gets thousands of views each month. a warning from police after a teenager was assaultsed in other area. the distraction officer wants you to avoid. plus bedbugs becoming even harder to get rid of. the steps you should take the next time you spend the night away from home.
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>> i cannot get a ticket to the show. you know him very well. >> i do larry. >> and -- you know i think you could call him for me maybe. >> more on meredith's efforts to get
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that squatter found in a prince george's county mansion
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turns out to be a robbery suspect. found squatting in this foreclosed home vacant four years. the second sometime this home in fort washington has been raided. neighbors say police need to find a new solution. >> we've got a swamp of vacant houses in prince george's count with the next set of squatters can be and we can't keep having 21 cars come to every house twice a year to get, to solve this problem. >> last summer police found a suspect in a d.c. shooting living in that same house along with 12 other people. an important reminder if you like to wear headphones on that morning jog or walk to school. police say they could make awe target for criminals. the warning kims after a man groped a girl walking home from school monday happened near walter reed drive. the girl managed to get away but police say she ear buds in and probably never heard the suspect coming. the girl's mother disputes the story from police and says her
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daughter was not wearing ear buds. it is now a class where you can learn about growing your marijuana business. the capital gazette reports anne arundel community college offers a business class called entrepreneurial opportunities, and emerging markets, marijuana legalization. the professor says it took two years get the class approved. students say the business opportunities are endless. maryland decriminalized small amounts of pot. people in washington state can buy marijuana in the same way they bay candy bar. the first marijuana vending machine opened yesterday in seattle. the company that makes the machine says it's fully climate controlled and can check a customer's age. the machines are monitors 24 hours a day by an employee of the vending company to make sure nobody it trying to cheat the system. well, you've heard of them infesting college dorm rooms, hotels even movie theaters. now a new study pinpointed the origin of bedbugs and why
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getting rid of them could soon get a lot harder. how to keep the bedbugs from ever biting again, more from shomari stone. >> they're creepy. >> reporter: think average over bedbugs. >> these guy, crazy. >> reporter: called the bug man. a professor of entomology at the university of maryland. he tells me a new international study found that bedbugs who bite humans evolve from bugs that fed on bats 250,000 years ago. >> we lived in caves and in those cave was bats and apparently what happened is those bugs that were on those bats took a liking to human beings. >> reporter: and today he says bedbugs are a big problem in the u.s. because of the worldwide sale of merchandise, the bedbugs resistance to pesticides used fun chalrniture sales and international travel. >> people are moving around more, coming in contact with bedbugs in different places frrt you're real concerned, first
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thing after traveling, open up your suitcase take the clothes inside put inside the dryer and turn it on. >> i'm going to run it through a dry cycle, medium heat 125, 130 degrees for a half hour. it's going to kill every living stage of a bedbug. >> reporter: this couple is visiting d.c. and staying at a hotel. >> did you check for bedbugs? >> reporter: why not. >> i wouldn't know what to look for. >> reporter: book lee hind the headboard and inspect sheets for bugs or rust-colored stains vrnlgts a look at that mattress. >> reporter: to seep tight and's don't let the bedbugs bite. >> and ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure. >> reporter: in d.c., shomari stone stone, news 4. time 11:50. coming up you may not be getting what you pay for when you buy herbal supplements, and plus wishing for sunny
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following several developing stories throughout the day here on nbc 4. first, at least 23 people are dead after a plane crashed in taiwan's capital. look at this. dashcam video. you see the plane slam into a bridge before crashing into a river. 58 people were onboard the plane. so far 15 people rescued. 20 still missing. the ntsb should give an update on that deadly commuter train crash near new york say that killed six people. the train slammed into a mercedes suv during rush hour
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last night. the car's driver and five passengers on the train died. 15 people are in the hospital right now. the ntsb says crews will spend up to a week at the crash site gathering clues. and in just a few minutes, maryland governor larry hogan gives his first state of state address speaking in front of a joint session of general assembly at noon. hogan is expected to talk about his priorities including tax cuts. this was chris gordon he'll be at the state house tweeting during the speech and streaming the address live on the nbc washington app. do your herbal supplements contain the active ingredients shown on the label? do they really have them in there? seems an investigation into supplements in new york state suggests they may not be. nbc's erica edwards tells us which retailers are pulling these supplements from their shelves. >> reporter: is there really ginseng or st. john's wort in those pills? ain investigation by the new york's attorney general office suggests some store brand herbal
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supplements sold at walgreens, walmart, target and gmc do not contain the active ingredients listed on the label. in a statement released on youtube, the new york attorney general says he's demanding those retailers pull certain products off store shelves. >> mislabeled supplements taken by the public to preserve or maintain their health pose a significant danger to those who have food allergies or take medication. >> reporter: the study use add type of dna bar code testing to show 79% of products tested showed no evidence they contained active ingredients. about one-third of the products had fillers and plants not listed on the label like rice and wheat, even house plants. the council for responsible nutrition calls it reckless taking issue with that dna test. >> the dna might not necessarily show up in a finished product. but that doesn't mean it doesn't still have all of those phito chemicals what the consumer wants from the product.
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>> reporter: walmart release add statement saying it will follow up ji its supplier and gmc will pull the products in question from its new york stores. the food and drug administration requires supplement manufacturers to verify their products are safe and labeled correctly. but supplements are not subjected to the same rirgous approval process as prescription drugs. erica edwards, nbc news. and we're learning that target is also investigating these claims and also pulled these products from their shelves. nutritional experts suggest looking for the usp certification indicate they go went through a third partyertrty testing. time for a final check on the forecast. so what's on the way? what's coming? >> hoping for a lot of snow tomorrow your hopes will be dashed but a possibility of some conversational flakes up to make a dusting of snow for area out to the north of us, but in and around town i
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wouldn't count on too terribly much. mostly sunny skies out there right now knop doubt about it. going to be a nice day. for tomorrow a chance of a dusting of snow. mainly from washington northbound to the pennsylvania border. primary timing on this is going to be impacting if it impacts anybody as all, in the morning commute. between about 4:00 and 9:00 in the morning. big change for the weather coming our way tomorrow. a very blustery northwest wind. near 50 today. we won't even get into the mid-30s tomorrow. in fact our high temperature tomorrow will likely be somewhere around 40 degrees before you even wake up in the morning. probably by 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning, the high temperature tomorrow. daytime temperatures tomorrow only in the upper 20s to low 30s. and plummeting back down to single digits and teens for early friday morning. friday a little bit of improvement. the wind gone but cold air remains. as we get into the weekend, mild air tries to come back in. mid to upper 40s for saturday
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and sunday. and then another little chance of rain kind of lingering on into a rain/snow mix monday maybe ending as snow on tuesday. tuesday looks like it's our best chance for a shovelable amount of snow but that's a long ways away. don't start picking out snowman names yet. >> what's coming tomorrow is the hawk as they call it in chicago. ice cold wind. >> that's it. >> thanks. that's "news4 midday"." thanks for being with us. tune in this afternoon and
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12:00 pm
[phone beeps] >> jennifer: are you okay? >> nicole: hey. >> melanie: what do you want? >> nicole: i was just wondering how your dad was doing. >> melanie: why? >> nicole: oh, uh, i... thought you would have heard. >> melanie: heard what, nicole? >> serena: i k


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